Sunday, September 18, 2011

Arve Overland returns to the United States to take control of Freebird Digital

News released in the Portland Business Journal last Wednesday.  Arve was reached but had "no comment" on his decision to return. 


  1. -sob- Leave Arve alone. -sniff-

  2. Take control? Yeah, not so much. Arve's buddy Mark Wysong put up the cash for the business. Mark apparently supports Arve's business tactics. Time for these crooked businessmen to get the heck out of our town!!

  3. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    Stay on target... Stay on target!

  4. An absence of taste is usually a problem for someone who is style over substance...

  5. I was a former client of Arve's. We have sent him to collections (we were not the only ones). He took a pre-payment for work he did not complete and then closed his agency with two days notice and left the country.

    1. Curious what your company name is. Did you sue or are you looking for him?

  6. Bill Free Bird Digital, they are taking credit for Overland's work.

  7. and their contact page is lorum ipsum? #fail...

  8. Arve is a fraud, an a-hole #1, and his sidekick Greg Tozian is an awful hack. Anyone who works with or for them, client or employee, is making a HUGE mistake. I speak from direct experience. May they go down in flames.

  9. I am taking note. Do NOT work for Freebird! I would get sick of the Lynyrd Skynyrd references anyways.

  10. Something was amiss when they packed up in the middle of the night and Arve (rhyhmes with LARVA) fled to Norway! He and Tozian (AKA, NPD-see the DSM) belong in a federal pen. Under Water Agency, where the hacks are senior in title and junior in ability, budgets spent before projects are half done and clients often call their lawyers. Here's class - telling staff to enjoy Xmas and New Years and when they get back, half get kicked into the street. Don't forget their onw nonworking web site and their logo that they stole from Schindler Elevators.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Seriously? After reading all this twaddle, I am glad it's all over. Ever see what happens to a slug when it dies? The other slugs suck from its' decaying carcass. Anyone left at that agency in the latter days were at fault for one thing, believing that the sole owner was a decent guy. The rest should do exactly it. If you think anything or anyone else was to blame or were suckers, it only shows how little you know. The guy left. The rest moved on. Perhaps you should too. Consider yourselves lucky you got out or were turned out when you were. I think enough damage has been done. Don't be a cannibal, its unbecoming.
