Friday, November 19, 2010


Hey there!


CMD just unveiled its slick new website, developed wholly in house, lots of time, money and resources. 


See what everyone thinks about it!


cid:3357134117_23480011  Chris Woodruff  human resource manager   p: 503.223.6794   d: 503.488.4458   c: 971.212.0166



  1. What do you all think of CMD's new digs?? I think it's great!

  2. New website looks great! Good job CMD!

  3. looks too techie, but maybe that is all the kind of work they want to do.

    it's using some heavy graphic touches with some strange interaction design.

    my personal opinion is that it is over-designed and is not using an original idea for the structure or overall experience of the site. but I am sure there are plenty of peeps out there who think it's fine.

  4. I'm pretty sure CMD does a ton of work with Intel and HP, so that likely comes into play. At least they got Dr. Dre up there :)
