Sunday, October 31, 2010

Euro RSCG Edge

Has been losing employees fast. Account directors, technical director, director of program management, programmers, pms, etc. Probably about 30 people have left this year, with several of the director level people being hired and quitting in 2010.

Friday, October 22, 2010

@WEStudioD lead blogger laments turnover

Waggener Edstrom Studio D lead blogger and community manager @tacanderson barely hides the superhigh turnover at Studio D with his Twitter post:

I can honestly say of all the people that have left @WEStudioD I will miss @foleymo the most. #nomofoleymo


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unnamed Agency Seeks CD

This ad is pretty funny.
An agency to remain unnamed needs a Creative Director to give them a brand, bring in all of the new business AND do all of the work themselves. Sounds like an agency of 1! Anyone interested????